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Emotional well being -Tapping technique

Tapping technique to conquer Fear and Anxiety 

Take a  15 minute  break and sit down to listen and copy my moves!

Many people find that anxiety or fear can stop them from doing things they want to do in life. 

These feelings may not occur all the time or even be overwhelming; there may just be feelings of 

background anxiety. For example, feeling panicked when something doesn’t go to plan, feeling anxious 

about a social situation or controlling situations so as to push away feelings of anxiety are pretty common. 

Because these feelings seem normal, people often don’t question them. For some people feelings 

of anxiety and panic can dominate their life and be quite debilitating. 

Kinesiology work can make a difference in reducing the impact of these feelings in someone’s life. 

Neuroscience and trauma research suggests, that specific early experiences of fear particularly if 

experienced when very young create limbic brain responses that set up specific neural pathways 

which will operate unconsciously in adult life.

Kinesiology aims to release the feelings locked in the system that relate to the time they were created. 

This gently frees up the system so people have freedom to choose how they react in any given situation. 

Another way of putting this is that the brain then begins to use different neural pathways in response 

to the same kind of trigger and this leads to different results. 

Dorothea Bassett has developed a style of kinesiology that supports people to quickly access the

core issues relating to the pattern of fear and anxiety and then release the emotion associated with it. 

This allows people to remain calm and decide how they want to respond to situations. 

This creates genuine space for freedom and joy in the place that was once occupied by fear or anxiety.

When tapping on the meridian points you are powerfully influencing the over energies in your body

thus you are able to create new beliefs and allow the old toxic thought patterns to disperse and disappear!  

The other powerful tool is of course the application of essential oils !

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